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Top Tips for Creating a Clutter-Free Study Space

With exam season just week's away, it's essential to have a study space that is both practical and motivating, With a little bit of effort, you can transform any area into a clutter-free, comfortable oasis of learning. Here are some tips to help you get started:

Clear the Clutter

Getting rid of clutter, and organising notes & revision supplies is the best way to get started. Remove everything that doesn’t assist with the task at hand or help to motivate and inspire.

Goodbye to Distractions

Think about the things that easily distract you. Take these items out of the room - TVs, computers and phones are the obvious ones to avoid. If a laptop is needed, try downloading an app that blocks you from accessing distracting websites for a set amount of time, such as ‘Selfcontrol’.

Get in the Comfort Zone

You will spend lots of time in your study space so it’s essential it feels like a comfortable haven. Think about how to make your chair and desk arrangement as comfy as possible so you can concentrate more easily. Create a layout where everything you need is to hand.

All Lit Up!

Lighting is vitally important in creating the right mood and improving mental motivation. Try and find the right level for you - too bright can bring on headaches and overstimulate you but too dark makes it tricky to read your notes and zaps energy. Use as much natural light as possible – this always enhances the way we feel and our ability to focus.

Sounds Good

Everyone is different – don’t worry if you need a little background noise to get any work done while others prefer total silence. Some like the low-level background noise of a radio station or create a revision playlist to work along to. Soothing natural sounds or gently uplifting music can help too. Ask others in the house to be considerate minimum so to keep noise clutter to a minimum.


Your Happy Place

Make your new temporary ‘living’ space homelier by adding a few personal touches, after all you’ll be spending lots of time here! Perhaps add some special photos or items that bring you joy. They will motivate you and be an all-important positive boost to your mood.

Right on Time

An analogue clock that is easily visible is essential to help you manage and organise your time. The digital one on your smartphone is not ideal and is also a temptation to drift on to the internet. Also keep your revision schedule to hand and visible so you always know when you should be working on a topic and for how long.

Stock Up

Keep everything you need to hand so you won’t have to break up your revision time to find supplies such as snacks or stationary. You’ll save time and energy enabling you to focus on studying then you can take your proper break as planned. Brain boosting, high-energy snacks, such as bananas, nuts and dried fruits are ideal study supplies to have to hand.

Keeping it Calm

Now you’ve created your perfect study space, it’s vital you keep it mess-free and organised until exams are over - put away books & notes you’re not working with at the current time and devote just five minutes every morning to re-setting this space to it’s original glory.

Clear your Mind

Organising your space leaves your head clearer and ready to work. Remember, breaks re-set your mind – exercise, movement, outdoor time, mindfulness activities, listening to calming music or just fun, down-time with friends can help to declutter your mind and leave you feeling refreshed.

Now you’re calm, organised and ready to do this!

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